Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Hey guys!! thanks a lot for reading my blog. For you people only I am going to start SEO training free on my blog according to SEO syllabus. I hope to start this as soon as possible. Thanks a lot for your lovely support !!! Get back soon!

Friday, 14 February 2014

Google SEO updations

Google Panda

Google launched Panda in February 2011, mainly as a change in its search results ranking algorithm. The main purpose of the update was just to keep those low quality and low content sites away from the top ranking results and give the actual quality sites their due.
As an obvious result, many websites with huge amount of advertising, or those with low quality content, saw a huge decline in the rankings. Ever since Panda was launched, there have been many updates to it ranging to over 22 in total.

Google Penguin

Another algorithm update from Google that gave SEO experts another blow was Penguin that was launched in April 2012. The idea underlying the update was simple enough- penalize and decrease the rankings of sites that breach Google’s Webmaster Guidelines set the by the search engine.
This included lowering the search engine rankings of all those sites that practice black-hat SEO techniques like duplicate content, keyword stuffing and cloaking to name a few.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Search engine Optimization

Just like this you need to think different in case of SEO. You need to analyze your competitor and then move accordingly. Just don't be a part of crowd. Think different to rank your site at top in google search engine or any other. By analyzing your competitor deeply, you will come to know what things are being used by him to rank the site, so instead of being a copycat , think how  you can make your site more better than your competitor. Surely you will win then. Be creative, Use your mind instead of being a part of crowd. BEST OF LUCK!!

Saturday, 1 February 2014

SEO Tips !!

  • SEO doesn’t have to be expensive. You can get big results on a small budget if you invest time in creating good content and building online relationships.
  • SEO results aren’t instant. The results of SEO work done today might not become apparent, and might not be credited by search engines, for weeks, or even months.
  • The newer your website is, the more patient you will need to be. It takes time to build authority and trust, and until you’ve developed both, you shouldn’t expect to outrank older, more established sites.
  • Never consider your website to be finished. If you want your site to continue to rank higher, attract more visitors and make more sales, then you should always be adding to and improving it.
  • Adapt to algorithm updates. To attain and retain good rankings you need to adapt your SEO strategy as search engines evolve over time.
  • You don’t need to submit your website to search engines. They have evolved beyond the point of needing to be directly notified when a new website, or page on a website, is created.
  • Get advice directly from Google. Via their Webmaster Guidelines and Webmaster Help Videos.
  • Don’t risk Google penalties. As they have a significant share of the search market, a penalty from them results in a significant, and often long-term, loss of visitors to your site.
  • You’re ultimately responsible for all of SEO work done on your website. Search engines won’t remove a penalty on the basis that you didn’t do, and didn’t know the specifics of, the SEO work on your site.
  • Set-up and use Google Webmaster Tools. To find out, among other things, what keywords your site is ranking for and which other sites are linking to yours.